A Sunny Day

I sometimes wonder if anyone reads these posts but I get occasional comments from people some weeks later about something I’d written.  So I guess that’s good.

Today is one of those beautiful Spring days in November.  Not cold, not hot, a bit of a breeze, blue sky, no clouds (at the time of writing this).

I’d been working hard this morning and by 2.30pm thought I should go outside and get some fresh air… with camera in hand of course!

I got to the end of my street by the roundabout and turned around, as I often do, to retrace my steps, only to have a lady say hi to me.  There’s not often many people around when I’m out walking but today there were quite a few cars travelling up and down the road and people outside doing things.

The woman told me her son was just shifting into the house we were standing outside but that the van was stuck and he was trying to call for help. Their driveway is really steep – and I mean really steep and he couldn’t back the van up the driveway now it was empty of stuff they’d moved.  Another woman joined us from next door and he talked us into sitting in the back of the van so it would have some weight in it as he tried to back up.  I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea or not and prayed for protection. I had visions of us falling back out, or getting legs trapped or something as he had the back door up and open so he could see out the back as he reversed.

He tried 3 times and apart from us all getting covered in rubbery smoke, no mishaps and the van could not make it over the final hump at the top.  He was stuck and had to resort to calling a tow truck.

I went on my way and enjoyed the scenery and hoped these people would get their problem resolved.  At least they’ve got a lovely day and it’s not pouring with rain or stinking hot. And the environment is beautiful but I can appreciate the anxiety of wanting to get it all done. We were there just over a year ago.

I love that I can take country walks right outside my own home, or even on my own property.  I’d longed for that for such a long time.

Just some of the locals who watched me walk by. Thought I’d save the dignity of the guy whose van is stuck by not taking a photo 😉

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