Now I’ve Seen Everything! Catwise, anyway!

Since installing Google Reader I’ve read even more blogs and have found some interesting and amusing posts. One of the latest at Sparkplugging takes the cake! Or, should I say the cat!

Wendy Piersall has been running a caption competition, encouraging people to write captions for her photo of her cat sitting at her laptop. Amusing picture.

Cats must rule her life – I know they do our’s here at the Thomas’ household!

Have a look at some of these!


Beauie has filed himself in my husband’s tray!


Smokey thought the printer was his resting place till it started doing something!


Shadow thought a drawer hanging out was his to climb into (I’d only turned my back for a moment!)


And our newcomer Toki has claimed the visitor’s chair for himself.

And I thought this was MY office!

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Do your friends wonder too?

Some of you might know straight away what this picture is about, but let me set the scene first.

First, you need to know our bedroom is off the dining room so is in full view of anyone who comes in and out of our house and I like to keep it neat and tidy because it is so visible. I would anyway – the bedroom is an important part of any marriage but that’s not the point of this story.

We have a friend who’s been coming to our home for several years. He’s my husband’s riding buddy and they love to go mountain biking often. So Dave is often here on Saturday mornings before I’ve gotten any housework done and later that day when he brings Graham back home. Sometimes he pops in during the week too and when our youngest was going out with his eldest it was even more frequently as he picked up Angie or dropped Ben off. Since Ange and Ben married, the number of visits have lessened.

It’s convenient too that Dave’s parents live less than 5 mins away from us which is why Dave did a lot of the running around – we weren’t being lazy, just so you know. It was more a matter of convenience for him.

Anyway, one day some months ago Dave asked a question which, once asked, had obviously been on his mind for a long time and he must have been plucking up the courage to ask it. He wanted to know why we had all those teddies lined up on our bed?

Graham and I glanced at each other, grinned and responded ‘for the cats, of course!’ Then we had to explain because David doesn’t own any cats, he’s a dog man, although he’s become attached to our cats since he’s been visiting, particularly the youngest one who loves to play rough – perhaps like his dog!

Anyway, the cats love to lean up against things when they’re sleeping so the teddies stop the cats from leaning against our pillows and leaving their fur there. It was a good use of gifts we’d accumulated over the years. If David was a blushing man I expect he might have blushed then but now he knows the answer to a question that was evidently on his mind for a long time 😉

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A bit of sympathy please…

I underwent some minor surgery a few days ago when having 2 wisdom teeth removed. Unless you’ve actually undergone this as surgery, rather than in the dental chair, you’ll have little appreciation of what is really experienced.

There were 8 other patients the same afternoon as me and it would appear we were all to suffer the same fate. The waiting was the worst part. Those who know me know I don’t sit still very long – I’m always on the go. I did take a book in with me and read that for 2 hours and then had to endure another wait in another room of around 45 mins whilst they prepped me and finally came and got me to undergo the small op.

One of the last things I remember was telling the guy who was hooking me up to the heart machine about the time my hubby was hooked up to a machine in 2001 when he’d come off his bike and broken some ribs. Every time I touched his hand his heart rate went up. Our kids had thought it was ‘cute’ at that stage. The guy asked me if that would occur if hubby was there with me right now and I said ‘you bet!’

The surgeon came in and said ‘hello Mrs Thomas, how are you?’ Silly question. My answer was ‘hungry and bored’ and he just smiled. What else do you expect? I’d not eaten a thing since 8.30 in the morning and here it was after 4.30pm or something and I’d been lying on a bed in a room waiting for someone to come get me and didn’t even have my book with me for that past half hour or more.

Anyway, hubby’s face looked funny when he came to get me sometime later. Think it might have had something to do with the pack tied around my head. I mean, not very becoming, is it? A long ice pack wrapped in cloth and tied around your head. And then to be told you can’t eat any solids for several days, only mushy stuff. mmm, jelly and icecream would be ok if I were a kid but I’m not anymore. And I actually enjoy decent food. But right at that moment I couldn’t even have a drink without dribbling down the side of my mouth. Not very becoming at all.

Well, this is my 4th night home now. Still on the antibiotics and the pain killers. And I can’t eat anything that is hard or has seeds in it so it doesn’t dig into the pockets in my gums where that bit’o’wisdom used to sit. I had to find things at the supermarket you could add hot water too and mix up so that it resembled edible food. At least it doesn’t look like baby food and it does have flavour. The thing I miss the most at the moment is being able to bite into a good solid piece of chocolate. But my daughter did tell me about Paul’s chocolate mousse and I can savour that! After all, having something cold and soothing on the gums is just what the doctor recommended! 😉

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You’re only as happy as your saddest child

Just heard this listening to Brian Houston at Hillsong Church on Australian Christian Channel TV today.

I recently had dental surgery and am still recovering so elected to stay home this morning instead of being on duty at church. I watched a number of programs on the TV channel on my laptop so I could sit here in my office which really is one of the most comfortable rooms in my house. Sad, hey? 😉

Not really – I just love being here in the office, it’s warm (or cool when the weather is hot), comfortable, familiar and I have everything I need around me.

So, anyway, back to Brian Houston’s comment. You’re only as happy as your saddest child. What an interesting comment that is – he’d heard someone else say it and shared it with his audience. Makes you stop and think, doesn’t it?

How happy are your children? And is there anything you can do to improve their state of mind?Whilst our kids are young we have a lot of input in their lives but as they grow older and the external influences increase, our own influence on their lives changes considerably. This can be quite scary – especially if you haven’t put the foundations in, whilst they were young.

Perhaps whilst they are still young we need to concentrate more on helping them have a happy outlook on life which should set a pattern for them as they grow older. Learning to choose to be happy even when surrounding circumstances are out of our control.

Which leaves me to ask you a simple question. How happy are you?

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The Torn Curtain

With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. And when the centurion, who stopped in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, ‘ surely this man was the Son of God!’ Mark: 15:37-39

I was at the Good Friday service at Bayside Church this morning. As always, Ps Rob gave a great message. I learn something new from every one of his sermons. He’s one of the most gifted teachers I’ve ever come across. What I like a lot about his sermons is that he doesn’t just do a reading from the bible and talk about that passage, he actually takes us back through time with descriptions of how things were, what people would have seen or experienced, how it really was back then.

Today we learnt about how placing the purple robe on Christ after he’d been scourged would have meant the robe stuck to his bleeding back and would have been ripped back off him again. We learnt how the thorns were about 3cm long and thick and much stronger than that of a bourganvillea and pushed into his head. We learnt that ‘Good Friday’ used to be known as ‘God’s Friday’ and over time, as language changes it became Good Friday. Same with ‘goodbye’ being shortened from ‘God Be With You’ and that ‘holiday’ used to be ‘Holy Day’. I’ll not take any of these words or phrases as lightly any more.

But the biggest revelation to me was the torn curtain. The curtain in the temple in that day was around 1 foot thick, knitted together and impossible to tear. It was designed to keep the holy of holies separate from the common man, the sinners, and that only the highest priest could be in there, once a year, to pay sacrifice for the sins of the people. It was to keep God separate from man and if anyone did venture behind that curtain they died instantly.

I’d heard the story of the Christ’s death many, many times but until today I did not understand the significance of the torn curtain. Today when Ps Rob told it I suddenly understood that in the curtain being torn, God was now available to us direct, through the death of his Son, Jesus Christ. That no longer would God be hidden from us but rather made accessible to us at any time we had need or want. That means all the time. The curtain tearing has a big significance for mankind and the curtain only tore once Jesus had breathed his last breath and paid the ultimate price for mankind. A curtain so thick, so strong, that it couldn’t be torn by anyone or anything else. Wow! Now that was a powerful message. I’m so glad Christ died for me – do you realise the significance of that for yourself too?

Torn curtain image sourced from The Project Gutenburg eBook.

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Memed Again

I got tagged by Angela Betts, one of my Baby Boomer Diva friends for a meme. This meme is “blog about five things in my life that I never dreamed, when I was 25, would be in my life now”.

Guess that’s easy – there are so many things in my life, it might be hard to keep it to 5!

1. I grew up in South Australia and longed to live in and visit other places but didn’t know if it would really happen. Today I live in Melbourne, Victoria and have travelled to New Zealand, New Caledonia, Ireland, UK, France and Japan (in that order).
2. I did think about running my own business but never thought it would really happen. I’ve been in business now for almost 14 years but what never occurred to me is that I would be running an international business entirely from my home – the Internet was not a reality back then.
3. I didn’t think I’d have 5 daughters.
4. I didn’t think I would have multiple awards or that I’d be nominated for Australian of the Year for 2008! That was pretty special.
5. I’ve always loved writing but never really thought I’d get to publish a real book – I thought all my writing would remain in magazines and notebooks.

Now, who am I going to tag? I picked some friends at linkedin to help me!

Vagrant Muse by Mahesh CR

DBALink by Marlon Ribunal

Henk-Jan van der Klis

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Do Things Come in 3s?

I hope so!

I got a lovely surprise when picking up the mail today. I’ve been nominated for the Australian of the Year Awards for 2008! I had no idea this had happened and certainly don’t know who nominated me. I haven’t won but I have received a certificate signed by Lisa Curry Kenny MBE OAM who is the Chair of the Committee, congratulating me.

And then I get back and check my email I learnt that a magazine due out the day before Australia Day is going to carry my story. I knew it was happening but didn’t know when. Apparently my picture is going to be on the front cover – first time ever for me! I wonder what else today will bring?

As you might imagine I have a huge grin on my face right now.

I just had to show off the certificate I received and here it is.

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Dublin 28 Jan 2006

Can’t believe our stay in Dublin is almost over – that time has passed quickly and we’re slowly adjusting to the different time frame. It is quite cold over here but inside the buildings are very warm so we’re constantly adding and taking off layers of clothing to adjust to the temperature differences.

Today Marie Kirk came down from Monaghan to meet with me in the morning and we spent an hour discussing the Virtual Assistant industry both here in Ireland and in Australia. She is enjoying being able to work at home and be with her young son of 3 years and I could share with her my own experiences of being home the past 12 years as our own 5 girls grew up.

She shared with me the challenges of giving and sharing information with other women here in Ireland wanting to know about the VA industry and I told her that it can take up a lot of time ‘counselling’ others whilst still finding time for one’s own business. I gave an outline of how I got started, how the network got started in Australia and how I’ve worked toward assisting others in the industry. The industry is still very young here in Ireland but slowly taking hold.

After Marie left Graham, Christine and I went for a walk to Black Rock along the beach path – about 3.5 or 4 kms from our hotel, had lunch and then walked back. We were amazed that the train line goes right along the foreshore – we’d not seen that before. We also visited a Saturday market – not a lot different to the markets at home, with much of the same type of ‘junk’ as well as interesting items, and occasional items that were Irish, just as we have Australiana at our markets.

The bird life here seem to be on steroids – massively bigger than our birds in Australia. The swans are huge, as are the seagulls and other bird life. There was a lovely park on our walk and we stopped to photograph the swans and other bird life as we passed through. We also took photos of a couple of the old churches – the buildings are really quite beautiful as well as being old. KMT

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Dublin 27 Jan 06

We went back into Dublin by train today, getting off at the station near Trinity College. Our first visit was to the Book of Kells – we knew nothing of what it was but found it entirely interesting once we were there.
It is actually a number of very old books written over a thousand years ago by monks in a language called Ogham. It was the message of the life of Christ and the four apostles, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. It was probably produced in the early 9th century by the monks of Iona. The book was later sent to Dublin around 1653 to keep it secure during the Cromwellian period.
We then had a good look at the long room at the college which was really impressive – you begin to realise that Australia has very little history when you see things like this of such an age. The old library had a massive collection of very old books, but you couldn’t get to look at the titles of most of them as they were roped off to visitors. There were many books open on display in glass cases though for visitors to view.
We went for a late morning tea at a place called Kilkenny’s – I had to take a photo for my friend Anita Kilkenny. They had deliciously wicked chocolate cakes in there and coffee – definitely my kind of place to visit. After that we went to National Gallery of Ireland where we saw many magnificent paintings, of Irish Painters and then painters from other countries. The building just went on and on and up and up – there were so many rooms.
After about a couple of hours we decided we’d had enough and continued on our way to Fleet Street to visit a good old fashioned Irish Bar with traditional music. But the one we wanted to go to was packed out (it was after 2.30pm) so we wandered along the street till we could find a bar that served food and wasn’t too full – no Irish music playing, hopefully we’ll catch one in Kildare when we’re there. But it was nice to just sit and enjoy the food, drink and relax whilst it rained outside. Eventually we left there and wandered back to the train station to come back to our hotel.
Graham and Kathie at an Irish Pub.
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How Many Sleeps?

How Many Sleeps?

Someone asked me today ‘how many sleeps?’ and I knew she was referring to our forthcoming trip.
I hadn’t really thought of it in those terms until then – too busy getting work done, making sure that everyone who is filling in for me whilst I’m away, knows what to do and where to find things or how to find them out, making sure that everything continues to run smoothly whilst I’m away. But after that question it kind of hit me with some reality – it’s 3 more sleeps…. Christine got her luggage packed yesterday and weighed it – just inside the allowable amount.
I packed mine today and then had to unpack some of it – was 2kgs over! Graham has started putting his things together and should finish tomorrow. And then Monday we’ll spend picking up last minute things – some items at the dry cleaners, my travellers cheques and overseas currency.
The cat needs a new ID disc – he’s lost yet another one, so a trip to the Council as well for that. Different cat this time – Shadow (on the left here) – who hates his collar and the disc attached to it. So he made sure we couldn’t find them – bright purple collar, you’d think that would stand out in the garden somewhere. He’s now got a bright blue patterned one on instead.
By the way, Beauie is doing great, his fur is nearly fully grown back and he’s looking normal. The upside is he now spends a lot more time in the house – instead of outside as he used to do.
Some items to post off before I leave, tidy up my desk (hate it to look untidy) and then we’re just about ready. Hope it’s much cooler on Tuesday. They’re forecasting 41C for tomorrow and that’s really hot. From really hot to really cold – we’ve heard that UK and Europe are experiencing their coldest winter in a long time. Not sure if I’m ready for that but I’ve been told ‘layer upon layer upon…’ should do the trick. I look forward to posting photos and updates to you once we’re over there! KMT
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