Day Seven – Lake Louise

Today we travelled to Lake Louise.

Incredibly beautiful with a lake view that changed by the minute!  Graham and I enjoyed a walk along this beautiful lake and saw/heard a rockfall which caused a tree to come crashing down the cliff face not far from where we stood.

We also heard this excited chattering and finally located the squirell on some rocks – think it was telling us off for not having any food!  Although the native animals are not supposed to be fed by tourists this one seemed quite friendly.  Another came racing up to Graham’s shoes and sniffed him and took off again.

Click on the image below to see what I saw.


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Days Five & Six – Visiting Banff

The road from Kelowna to Banff was breathtaking. I can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful this country is. We have passed hundreds of waterfalls and rapids along the side of the road. I look at the abundant water here and think of our home Melbourne which is experiencing water restrictions due to a long-term drought.  What a contrast between the two places!

The photos I show you will give just a small insight to the beauty we are witnessing. Even the views from our hotel rooms have been amazing.

Last night we watched the rain sweep across the mountains nearby from our room and then it cleared and a rainbow appeared.  We had dinner at a German restaurant which was amazing in itself.  As we stepped out from our hotel and gazed at the scenery around us, we could have been in Germany or anywhere in Europe really – the architecture and scenery certainly made it seem that way.

This morning we did a very steep 2.4km hike up Tunnel Mountain and back – one of the smaller mountains here and saw some wildlife and heard stories about the area from our tour guide and learned about the native flora as well.  Graham had to help me up and down some of the slopes as I don’t feel as surefooted as he does and didn’t want to slip on the slopes.  I need to get more exercise too – I got easily out of breath. Although the guide did say that it’s not always due to lack of exercise but because of the height and the thinning of the air some managed much better than others.  I was relieved to find that I wasn’t the only person who felt that way – short of breath.

This afternoon Graham took out a hire mountain bike to ride around the mountains here at Banff and I joined our tour group to ride the gondola to the top of one of the mountains to take in the views and more wildlife.

We are beginning to see some of the wildlife too. So far, in order as we’ve seen them: Moose, Black Bear, Least Chipmunk, Golden Malted Squirrel, Elk.  Also some birds, one of which I know is a Gray Jay but think another is a Firecracker Jack. And then another with a bronze head I still need to identify.

These photos are hosted at Facebook so you’lll need to leave comments here is you don’t have access at Facebook – I hope you enjoy viewing them.  Just click on the photo below to see many more.


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Day Four – Travelling to Kelowna

We’re on day 4 of our APT tour now and left Whistler early this morning to travel to Kelowna.  Not sure how many kms we travelled but it would be 3-400kms I think.

We saw a Mule Deer (never heard of them before), and many other things. A couple on the bus saw a black bear but we missed seeing it.  Hopefully one day soon plus other wild life.

We’re spending the night in Kelowna and I was fortunate to meet one of the contributing authors for my book “It Happened By Design” tonight over dinner as she lives just 10 mins away from our hotel.

Here’s a small selection of images from the roadside plus Lesley-Anne and me at dinner at the end.


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Day Three – Whistler

We travelled by bus to the ferry at top of  Victoria Island and then over to the mainland to go into the Coast Mountain Range and reach Whistler which was very picturesque.  We stopped at a beautiful waterfall and stretched our legs and wandered around.  The scenery along the road was beautiful. We got to Whistler late afternoon and wandered the small town, checking out the new mountain biking track being built and exploring some of the shops.


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Day Two – Victoria Harbour and Butchart Gardens

Our second day in B.C. and we took a flight on a seaplane over the island in the morning, wandered the streets and visited the Sunday market and then visited The Butchart Gardens for the afternoon – could have spent all day there!  The time went too quick.

Click on the image below to see a small sample of our day.


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First Day in B.C.

Well, Graham and I are truly on holidays now. My time at the FoVA Conference in Niagara Falls is now over and we were driven back to Toronto Airport and then caught a plane to Vancouver. From there a quick trip to another gateway to catch a flight to Victoria Island (very tight timeframe) and we were concerned our luggage might not keep up with us, but it did.  We spent over 5 hours in the air altogether.

The view from the window flying back to Vancouver was breathtaking – seeing the rockies poking up through the clouds.  I couldn’t resist having my camera out on the plane 😉

Rockies through the mountains

The Canadian Rockies

We then caught a taxi to our hotel, The Hotel Grand Pacific, in Victoria and after a briefing with our Tour Director we went for a wander out in the streets before it got too dark.

Theoretically speaking we got up at 3.30am today –  B.C. time but in actual fact it was 6.30 Niagara time.  We’ve crossed another timezone and am now 17 hours behind Melbourne time.  It’s currently 11.18pm so guess I should be going to bed but still excited about getting here and being on holiday.

It is absolutely gorgeous here and I can’t wait to start taking more photos in the morning.

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Day 4 in Niagara

Guess you’ve been wondering how things are going?  That is, if you haven’t seen me on Twitter or Facebook.

Our flights were all on time and we arrived in Niagara Falls around 28 hours after leaving home.  3 flights with the longest being around 14 hours.  Good to stretch the legs and sleep in a bed!

We discovered in Sydney that my mobile phone was missing but I did have it when we left home. So we don’t know if it got lost (dropped in the taxi in the dark that morning) or stolen after passing through the security area.  I’ve reported it to the taxi company and airline but it hasn’t come to light yet.

And then once we got to our room in Niagara we discovered one part of my power cord for my laptop was missing so had to go in search of an electrical or accessories store for that part. Thankfully they had it and now I have a cord that is suitable for use in Canada and the US – which I didn’ t have before.  So it meant I could go online again [relief].

The first couple of days we were adjusting to the new timezone and explored the area. Graham had last been here 23 years ago and this is my first visit.  So we bought a package ticket each and visited the Walk Behind the Falls, Maid in the Mist (boatride), walked to the White Water Walk (over 4kms away from the Falls) and explored the area.  I’ve taken over 500 photos so far but most won’t be viewed or edited till I get back home – my laptop is too slow to process them all.  However, I have been able to share some at Facebook so click on the photo below so you can view Niagara Falls through the lens of my camera.


Horseshoe Fall, Niagara, Canada

Today I’ve given my presentation workshop at the FoVA Conference, and met people I’ve only known online till now.  Two more days at the conference and then Graham and I will fly over to Vancouver to join the APT Tour we’ve booked.

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Please take me with you

My husband is busy packing his suitcase for our trip and he called me into our bedroom, saying ‘you must see this’.  I knew it would be a photo opportunity and grabbed my camera.

Obviously Smokey doesn’t want us leaving him and he wants to come too but don’t think we’ll really have room for him!  Isn’t he cute?



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Almost on our way…

Over the next few weeks Graham and I will be visiting various places in Canada.  I’m speaking at a conference for Virtual Assistants in Niagara Falls and after that a tour with APT.

If you drop in here now and then over the next few weeks I’ll post updates on our trip with some photos for you to view.

We’re looking forward to our break – it’s been nearly 2 years since our last holiday overseas and we are definitely in need of a holiday.

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Smokey loves to be in the office

The other day my husband was talking about our cats and how a workmate had an interest in a cat like one of ours.

We believe that Smokey may be a ragdoll cat or perhaps a part-breed.  He demonstrates all the qualities of these cats and is very sociable, friendly, and just flops in your arms when you carry him around.  He doesn’t wriggle and squirm, he just lies there in your arms. Or he sleeps on his back with his legs wide open like he hasn’t a care in the world. He’s a very trusting cat.

He also loves to lie around in the office and be really near to us although not on our laps – most of the time.  Smokey is now 4 years old and the photos below are from kitten to current.





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