Picked them up last Saturday morning and have been having fun watching them. They are quite entertaining. For the first two days they stayed in the chook house and wouldn’t come out, unless I stood in the house with them. But now they’re getting the idea that they are allowed out of the house (they were in small pens at the place where we got them) and can wander around in their large pen whenever they want.
But if they hear a noise they’re not familiar with, they all go scurrying back into their chook house, often with wings flapping and clucking (more like cheeping at the moment). They are aged between 8-14 weeks and we have 2 x Rhode Island Reds, 2 by Australorpes (one appears to be a X), 1 x Gold laced Wyandotte and 1 x Plymouth Rock. So far the Rock appears to be the dominant one in the group. But they all seem to get along.
Could be 8-10 weeks at least before we start getting eggs. I’m sure we’re going to have lots of fun watching them and getting to know their personalities.