A year of changes

This past year has been one of tremendous upheaval and change.  A year ago if someone would have told us we would lose a daughter, make plans to shift to the country, our family was going to increase and different daughters all shifting, we wouldn’t have thought it possible.

Just 9 months ago our lives hit rock bottom with the loss of Miriam and we couldn’t even see a future.  We just had to take life one day at a time and hang on to our family, to our friends and to our faith in God.  We couldn’t see why or how this could happen and our sorrow ran very deep.  It has taken us many months to start to feel like we used to but only in short spasms which are slowly growing longer.

This year Meredith moved interstate because she’d secured a govt position and works in a dept that assists international students to settle into Australia.

Then recently Christine bought a house in the country and will be shifting into it in June.  Mel and Ryan are shifting too as their landlord has sold the house they are in and they also will shift in June, a week before Christine.

And Graham and I will be in Canada when they’re all shifting so we can’t help them.

Last weekend was Mother’s Day and my family gave me a new macro lens for my camera which has become a constant companion whenever I leave my house.  If you haven’t seen any of my photos then you need to check out my photoblog at www.kathiesphotos.com to see a daily update on photos. I take hundreds but only share a few on the blog (don’t want to be boring everyone).  The macro lens will allow me to take really close shots of flowers, insects and other items of interest.

dummyThen Mel and Ryan gave me a small box to open and when I opened it I couldn’t at first understand the significance – my thoughts were had I been spitting the dummy about something and I asked them?  They laughed at me and then announced they are pregnant.  The dummy in its box is now sitting  on the shelf of my desk so I can see it every day.

Graham and I are going to be grandparents!  Melanie wanted us to keep it quiet till she was 12 weeks, which she is now.  The baby is due 28th November.  She and Ryan have been married 5 years this month and she will be 29 in August.

So exciting.  And the amazing thing is that last year at Miriam’s funeral in October a lady from my church, who regularly receives Words from God told me that there is new life coming within the year.  I can’t wait to ring Janet to tell her.

So many changes for us this year.  Melanie and Ryan shifting next month to Monbulk further in the country.  We looked at a home in Kallista in the hills last weekend which is literally 5 mins down the road from where Mel and Ryan will be living – but we didn’t know that at the time.  We’d love to sign for it but we need to put our home on the market first and we don’t have time to get it ready before going to Canada in 2 weeks’ time so it will all have to wait till we get back home.  If that house is meant for us we just have to trust God that it will be still there for us when we’re ready or a home like it.

And Christine buying a house in Wangaratta, 3 hours north (on the way to Sydney) from us. She works with horses (thoroughbreds) and did her study in Wangaratta, is connected with the people and church there and loves the area.  She’s 24 and single and saved a deposit and has done it all herself. We’re so proud of her.

So almost all of our family have shifted or will be shifting this year and we have a new family member joining us before Christmas.  I can’t believe the number of changes that have already taken place in our family this year and we’re not quite half way through the year.  I wonder what else God has in store for us?

Posted in Dealing with grief, Family News, My Thoughts, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

I long for quieter places

If you’ve seen my tweets just now I’ve had a very noisy police helicopter hovering over my house and it was loud and shaking the house and the trees and Graham’s radio aerial were whipping all over the place. I made sure all the doors were locked – just in case.

Just this week on Tuesday the neighbour had something installed in the end room of their house (other side of the fence from my office) and I had to put up with drilling and thumping all day.  My first headache for the week – and I don’t usually suffer headaches.

Then Wednesday two houses down a neighbour was having something done to their drains – 5 hours of a pump humming loudly and I had the worst headache at the end of it. Two headaches in one week for me is unheard of.  Then when it stopped the two dogs across the road started up for an hour till the owner came home.

Then today the pump was going again for awhile and then the helicopter. Is it any wonder I long for quieter places?

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Travelling to Canada

In a few weeks my husband and I will be winging our way to Toronto, Canada, so I can speak at a conference in Niagara Falls. After the conference we’ll make our way back to Toronto then fly to Vancouver to join a tour group which will travel inland for nearly two weeks, then back to  Vancouver for a 7 day cruise up Glacier Bay.  We’ll then spend 24 hours with a friend and her husband in Vancouver before boarding the plane to come back home again.

I’ve never been to Canada before and am looking forward to our trip but I have no idea what to expect.  Is their terminology different to ours (I’m sure it is)? What are the ‘cool’ words to use? What is the local news?  Are there words we shouldn’t use or say?  Are there cultural things we should be aware of? What will the temperature and weather be like in June?

Of course I could Google all of this to find out, but I want to find out from those who live there – get their perspective. So feel free to leave your comments here for all to read and once we’re there I’ll post photos as often as possible of our trip and experiences.  Cheers!

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Here’s that cat again!

Remember that cat that gave you the good belly laugh? Think its name is Maru. Well, here it is again – enjoy!  The bit near the end with the boxes is the best!

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Love is for the animals too!

A friend shared this with me and I had to bring it here.  This is so cute!

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Want a good belly laugh?

Then watch this cat – it’s both gorgeous and hilariously funny.  I promise you won’t have dry eyes when you’re finished watching it!  By the way – the cat isn’t ours and we found it on the web.

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My latest passion – an old one renewed

I have two things I really enjoy doing – writing is one which is why I blog a lot, perhaps not here but at other blogs.  And photography.  As our girls were growing up I was always taking family snaps on outings, birthdays and other events and hubby says if it wasn’t for me, we wouldn’t have many family photos.  I think he’s probably right there.  Now the girls are grown and away from home my focus has turned to photography itself, learning how to use my camera properly, starting to learn ‘photography speak’ with words that are starting to have some meaning for me.  I’ve even joined a photography club.

Graham gave me a Nikon D90 with a zoom lens and other accessories for Christmas.  I felt totally spoilt and so I should as I know it cost quite a few $$.  So I’ve been out on quite a few photo shoots to make sure he knows just how much I appreciate his wonderful gift to me.

Recently I shifted my amateur photoblog at Blogger to something that looks more professional in a great new template in WordPress and hosted on my server.  I thought I’d share it with you and you can view the pics at http://www.kathiesphotos.com.

Over time I hope you will see for yourself an improvement in my photos and how I present them.  The photography club has competitions so I’m looking forward to joining in.  And Graham’s mountain bike races always provide opportunity for me to act as the team’s official photographer doing videos and stills of their events.  I get to use my new camera for the first time at their next event at Mt Beauty.

When you pop over to my photoblog you will see evidence of new pics overtime but you’ll see that I also couldn’t resist adding something that has a business touch to it and I’ve set up a Cafepress store with some of my Australian imagery available on caps, tshirts, mugs, clocks and other items.  I just couldn’t resist!

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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone

Today Graham and I are going to spend some time together, going to a bird land reserve so I can play with my new camera and then to lunch somewhere in the country. You can see examples of my photos at Kathie’s Photos.

These past couple of weeks have been horrendous in our state. We had a series of fires breaking out and then a massive one only a week ago, which has now been dubbed ‘Black Saturday’.  The loss of homes and lives has not been fully counted yet and everyone in our state is affected. The whole country is reeling and it’s the biggest natural disaster we’ve experienced.  I wonder about the ‘natural’ bit – some of those fires were natural but others were deliberately started and I can’t understand how people can do this.  I’ve been blogging about some of it at my Much About Melbourne blog.

So back to Valentine’s Day.  Every day with my husband is a gift.  Having lost our daughter last year, and gone through emotional struggles ever since, I count every day I get to spend with him as something really special.  I don’t take him for granted – not sure that I ever did, but somehow the intensity of my feelings for him and being in his company has increased considerably.

If you have a loved one, don’t ever forget to let them know that you love them and appreciate them.  Don’t assume they know. Make sure you tell them every single day.  There are so many who have lost spouses and/or children in the fires in this past week, so many mourning. And then there are the stories of husbands and wives reunited after thinking they’d lost the other when fleeing from the fires.  Perhaps our own recent loss has increased our ability to understand how others are feeling and what they are mourning.  But whatever it is, today we will just enjoy being in the company of one another doing simple things and just being.

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Happy New Year everyone!

I hope and trust that you had a good Christmas and New Year celebrations and time with family and friends.  We did get some special time with our daughters and their husbands over Christmas and then visited with Graham’s sister and brother-in-law interstate for the New Year period. Short trip but it was still 5 days away so we could rest, relax, eat and sleep well, and just enjoy good company.

Graham spoilt me for Christmas and gave me a Nikon D90 camera with a fantastic telephoto lens and zoom lens. It’s a SLR Digital and will do up to 100 photos in quick succession – I don’t have to wait for the camera to be ready for my next shot which frustrated the heck out of me with my other digital camera. He probably broke the bank buying it but I’m showing him how much I appreciate it and have taken 390 photos already since Christmas day :-).  Walking around the country town where Graham’s sister lives was a real treat – they have a gorgeous garden and the surrounding areas were beautiful too.  I just couldn’t help but take lots of photos!

I’m a real shutter bug and suspect when we ‘retire’ I’ll take up photography as a serious hobby. I did learn how to frame prints some years ago and think I’ll have to resurrect that learning so I can frame my own photos.  As soon as I have the camera software installed and operating I’ll start sharing some of the pics!

Addendum: I think you can see these photos – Graham and I visited Timandra garden around the corner from where we were staying.

And in this one you’ll see my husband and brother-in-law and a nephew and his wife and kids.  We visited Melrose so my husband could try out the mountain bike tracks there and Rod and I went for a walk up the mountain there.

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There is great healing in “The Shack”

If you read this and other blogs you will know that we lost a daughter 3 months ago today.  Travelling since that time has been hard, difficult and slow going and there are days when we feel like we’re not moving forward at all and other days when we almost feel normal, but not quite.  What is ‘normal’ anyway?

I’ve had several people tell me we should read “The Shack” and when I first heard what it was about briefly I felt that I did not want to read it at all. Too close to home.  But as more and more people began to say we really should read it and that there so many parallels with what we’ve been going through I began to think perhaps I really did want to read it.  Our daughters gave it to me for Christmas and my head has been buried in it since Boxing Day (yesterday).  I’m more than 3/4 through it and already have seen/felt the healing that is inside this book. And such truths too.

So far the thing I’ve gotten out of it the most is that God doesn’t cause tragedies to happen, and whilst He doesn’t prevent them either, He does use them to work ‘incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies’.  It’s early days for us yet but I do know that when suitable time has passed that God will help Graham and I to grow out of this suffering and that we may end up helping others either directly or indirectly because of our ability to share and love others.

I’ll probably report more after I’ve finished reading it but just felt led to share this one powerful thing I have learnt from it.  I hope that Graham will read it too – it’s a powerful book.

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